In my experience, the reason we often feel overwhelmed in our daily life is that we let small things pile up instead of dealing with them in the moment.
It’s an interesting cycle – we do not do some tasks because we think it takes away valuable time that we should use on other things. However, then we are forced to spend even more time on those, when they have reached a limit we cannot ignore any longer.
We all know how time-consuming it is to turn a complete mess into order again. Wouldn’t it be easier to start from a better place?
My answer is definitely yes. One reason for that is that I function the best when my home and life are organized. I feel a lot better and I’m also a lot more productive.
I also happen to think that it takes a lot less effort to maintain an organized life and home than to start from scratch all the time. And the key is small, daily habits that ensure that smooth organization.
This 15-item list may seem too much at first, but believe me, they are very simple, tiny steps that easily become habits. And when you firmly established a habit, it requires even less attention and energy to keep them.
This is the real winning cycle.
15 essential daily organizing habits
1 // Make the bed first thing in the morning
The very first thing I do in the morning. It literally takes 20 seconds tops, but immediately transforms the whole bedroom and also kickstarts my proactive mood.
2 // Don’t put anything on your couch (apart from some pillows and a stylish blanket)
If the big items (the focal points) of your room are clean, the whole space looks a lot more organized.
3 // Clean the kitchen counter after every use
The couch, the rug, coffee table, and kitchen counter are probably the most important focal points of the room. Put away the things and quickly wipe off the counter after every use. Leave a big part of it empty for a clean look.
4 // Get out of your daily clothes and fold them
Neglected clothing can quickly multiply and make the whole room cluttered. As soon as I get home, I always change clothes and hang, fold, or put them into the laundry basket.
5 // Clean as you go
No need for a thorough spring cleaning every single time of course, but a quick wipe with a kitchen rag does wonders on the counter or sink. I also love my mini vacuum cleaner, perfect for making crumbs disappear.
6 // Put everything into the laundry basket
Not on the bed, on the chair, or on the floor. It’s so much easier if you already have all your laundry in one place, instead of doing a scavenger hunt every single time.
7 // Have a little tray for the tiny daily essentials – like keys, wallet
Make a habit out of putting the tiny daily essentials into a small tray as soon as you come home. Keeps it tidy and you don’t have to rummage through the whole house looking for your keys in the morning rush.
8 // Put everything back to its place
The golden rule of being organized is to have a proper place for everything. If things do not have a home, they will be just laying around, causing clutter. Designate a place to everything and put them back the second you finished using them. It only takes a small time for this to become an automated habit.
9 // Hit delete if you don’t need it anymore
Digital clutter might be less visible, but it’s still annoying – it makes it harder to find your files and takes up a lot of valuable storage space on your computer. Whenever you don’t need a file anymore, hit delete immediately.
10 // Digital files must live in folders
In the same spirit, whenever I create a new document, I immediately designate its place – put it into the right folder or make a new one.
11 // Have a small notepad and pen in arm’s reach
How come it seems there are a thousand pens laying around the flat, yet never one when you need it? I have a small notepad and a couple of pens next to my key tray all the time, to quickly jot down daily tasks, dates, or items I need to buy at the grocery store.
12 // Write dates into your calendar the moment you commit to something
Some people may be able to keep all their commitments in their mind, but there’s a better chance that something will be forgotten. Being in control of my schedule is probably my most important organizing principle.
13 // Use the 2-minute rule
Reading about the 2-minute rule in David Allen’s Getting Things Done made a big change in my life. This simple rule states that everything that takes us 2 minutes or less to do, we should do immediately, without delay. It may be a small and simple trick, but not rolling a thousand tiny tasks in front me keeps me a lot more organized and productive. And these may be very small tasks, but the satisfaction of getting them done also gives me a huge productivity boost.
14 // Review your to-do list at the end of the day
Cross out everything you got done that day, plan for tomorrow, set concrete action steps. Only 5 minutes, but it will keep you on track.
15 // Create and keep routines
Small daily organizing habits together make routines, try to create as much as you’re comfortable with, but at least a refreshing morning routine and a calming nighttime routine that give structure to your day.
What are your essential daily organizing habits?

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