Decluttering, however useful, is just the start of the journey. It’s really satisfying to cut down on useless stuff and organize our homes, but order is also something that needs constant attention to maintain.
There are two reasons why minimalist homes look tidy:
- They don’t have an immense amount of stuff to begin with
- The stuff they have is smartly stored away
It might seem overwhelming at first, but it’s really just a question of habits. I really believe that it’s easier and less time-consuming to keep a place tidy and organized than having to do a major clean every week. Who has time for that?
I definitely don’t, but I’m also obsessed with a clean, clutterfree home, so I try to follow these simple minimalist hacks.
Yes, it will take some effort in the beginning. But once you’ve been doing these tips for a while, they become automated in your brain. That’s how habit forming works.
+ Smart storage solutions

When you (re)design your home, try to think strategically. Design should just be one criteria, functionality and practicality are just as important. Try to look at seemingly useless spaces and do some research on how to turn them into creative and clever storage options. Pinterest is full of them, just search “smart storage ideas” or “home organization tips”.
+ Regular decluttering
After the initial master decluttering, I would suggest repeating it twice a year, and doing quick decluttering sessions every month. You don’t even have to do it in the whole house, just choose one room/area per month and go through it quickly to see if there’s anything out of place.
+ Keep your counters, big furniture, and floor clean

If the focus points of a room (such as the sofa, the counter, the floor, the bed) are clean and not cluttered, they will give a tidy, organized atmosphere to the whole space. Get used to not leaving stuff around at least on these critical points.
+ Everything must have a home
Everyone should have a home, including objects. When they don’t, chances are they will just lie around and be in the way all the time. I suggest that you have a “home-finding session” after decluttering. Try to find a final place for everything that survived the purge. If you get a new thing, find a storage place for it the minute you get home. It will make cleaning up and tidying so much more effective.
+ Instantly put stuff right back to their place
Once everything has a home, the second step is to ALWAYS put stuff back to where they live after you used them. It’s really usually just a tiny effort, but it makes a whole lot of difference. It’s enough for even a couple of objects lying around aimlessly to cause the impression of a cluttered home. Also, the more we lose control over the order, the more chaotic it gets. I’m sure I’m not the only one, but I’m a lot more disciplined and behave much better when my home is actually in order.
+ Use storage as decoration

Functionality and design are both equally important to minimalist interiors. Instead of decorating your home with a hundred tiny things, try to find storage options that can function as decoration as well. I prefer keeping my morning supplements, seeds, or toppings in cute jars at a kitchen corner. It’s effective, because I have everything I might need in one, easily reachable place, but they also look really good in the kitchen. I also have a lot of cute boxes on my shelves, and I store stuff that I don’t use everyday (passport, travel gadgets etc) there. Open shelves are also a great fusion of storage and decor.
+ Devise systems
That sounds awfully engineer-y. What I mean is set up routines/practices for different tasks, like having a separate, visible tray for mails or paperwork that needs to be done. Dossiers for different topics. A blackboard for writing household/family to do lists. Systems that once in use make your home and life more organized and thus, more efficient.
That’s all. Simple, isn’t it?
Let me know how they work for you (or your own home secrets).
These pictures are inspiring! I don’t yet have my own place but when I do I definitely want to live with minimalism.
Good choice:) I’m moving next year to a new apartment and already collecting inspiration and planning how to make it the best minimalist flat ever:)
I have to declutter a lot. For some reason my room mainly gets cluttered with paperwork that is left around in all areas of my room and keeps coming back. I definitely need more of a storage system. Great post!
Thank you so much!! Yes, paper is dangerous, it needs constant attention:) I either go through them the moment they enter my home or just store them in a designated tray and go through them weekly or biweekly!
Really good tips
Yes I agree with keeping the big furnitures clean especially the sofa! Makes the whole space alot nicer 🙂
xx, Kathy
I started decluttering last year and it’s the one thing I love to do when I’m insanely bored. Decluttering honestly helped me with my financial goals as well when I finally realized how much money I “wasted” on useless stuff.
Lol, I know, decluttering can actually be fun😊And you’re so right, it can help a lot with leading a more sensible and smarter life if people draw the right conclusions. It’s not only about getting rid of stuff, for me it’s just as much about analyzing our shopping habits!