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Always dreaming, never doing – A Monday challenge

October 15, 2018

Try this Monday challenge and start working on your dreams nowThis post is a very quick and short Monday check-in, in the spirit of those #Mondayinspiration words of wisdom.

I know hating Mondays is a popular social media trend, but let’s do something different this week.

(By the way, I’m planning to do a whole post dedicated to the awesomeness of Mondays – with the right attitude, it really can be the best workday of them all).

It’s a simple Monday challenge:

Write down three things you’re always dreaming about, you’re always talking about starting. You know, the things you’ll do

 – once,

 – soon,

 – when the time is right,

 – tomorrow.

Instead of pushing them out of your mind once again, how about starting today?

Find those three things and make the first tentative steps.

No more overthinking, no more delays. I‘ll start tomorrow is basically the kiss of death to most goals and dreams.

I know just starting often seems frightening. We think we’re not ready, we’re afraid of failure. Always dreaming is in a way a survival technique – we protect our fragile ego.

Because until we start, we can still hold onto the thin thread of dreams.

Because until we start, it’s still possible that everything we’ll turn out exactly as we want them to.

If we start, that illusion may shatter. Problems may arise, the journey may be more difficult than in our dreams.

I know I delay a lot of things, for exactly these reasons. I tell myself I’ll wait for just a little – just until I get better, more experienced, skilled, whatever. And then I’ll have all the credentials and suddenly all my dreams will easily come true.

But it totally misses the point. Nothing interesting has ever happened inside the comfort zone. No discoveries, no works of art, no social revolutions would have happened if everyone had waited for tomorrow.

It may seem frightening at first, but that feeling will quickly disappear and will be replaced by a surge of energy stemming from the simple realization that you’d actually stepped over your self-limits.

No matter how it turns out, starting is often worth just for that proud feeling alone.

So, instead of tomorrow, make it this week. Find 3 things you’ve always delayed or dreamed about. Make the first steps. Make that call. Send that email. Set up that meeting. Make that pitch. Make that decision. And it shouldn’t be about just work.

Fear is not the only thing holding us back. Laziness, comfort, a perceived lack of time, other priorities can all prevent us from living more (pro)actively.

So, book an activity you always wanted to try. Spend time with the loved ones you rarely see. Get together with friends, none of you should be that busy for just one night.

Make this a special week of action.

I’ll be doing this challenge this week – and I hope many of you’ll join.

My challenges will be

+ Set up the branding consulting packages I’ve been mulling over for months now

+ Reach out to three people on my potential client list (once again, put together ages ago waiting for “the right time”)

+ Finally organize the trip we’ve been talking about with friends since the beginning of summer.

Let’s see how it goes.

Ps: If you have any questions or need further motivation, my emails are always open. x

Try this Monday challenge and start working on your dreams now
Try this Monday challenge and start working on your dreams now
Try this Monday challenge and start working on your dreams now