Today is an important day for 2 causes and movements that are quite close to my heart: environmental protection and the reformation of the fashion industry.
Earth Day 2019
April 22 is Earth Day, a global event since 1970 that aims to raise awareness of serious environmental concerns and address the need for environmental reform.
Fashion Revolution 2019
April 22 is also the day the annual Fashion Revolution Week starts (the actual Fashion Revolution Day is on April 24) with the #whomademyclothes campaign. Fashion Revolution is a global movement raising awareness of the fashion industry’s most serious issues and working for systematic reforms and radical transparency. During the #whomademyclothes campaign, brands and designers are encouraged to inform customers how they really make the clothes they sell and demonstrate transparency in their production and supply chain.
You could argue that every day should be Earth Day or Fashion Revolution Day. Climate change, water shortage, deforestation, species disappearing, air quality rapidly worsening, human rights violations, environmental pollution affect us every single day. The stakes are incredibly high and we shouldn’t just make an effort on a designated day or week a year.
True, but I still think commemorating these days is important. It’s a time when maybe more people are paying attention. A time when we can educate, raise awareness, and inspire. A time when we can show support and show leadership.
Also, we shouldn’t forget that besides being symbolic dates of important global social and political movements, both Earth Day and Fashion Revolution Day actively contributed to bringing major changes in awareness and actual policies.
More than 20 million Americans participated in the First Earth Day celebration in 1970. It was the event that put environmental concerns on the mainstream public stage. It united people, started a global movement and led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency, the passing of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Act, and then thousands of similar laws and initiatives all over the world. Almost 50 years later, it’s one of the largest global events with hundreds and hundreds of millions of people participating.
Fashion Revolution started in 2014, commemorating the anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster in Bangladesh, where more than 1,100 garment workers died and approximately 2,500 injured when the factory collapsed. It quickly became an important voice calling for a fairer, safer, more transparent fashion industry. Last April, over 275 million people engaged with Fashion Revolution. The organization has a Transparency Index, they are working with schools and academic institutions on involving students, are constantly pushing brands and designers to acknowledge the problem and be more transparent, and have raised awareness of fashion’s dirty secrets.
These days matter.
These movements make a difference.
How to become a changemaker
As I said, these causes mean a lot to me. I encourage everyone to use this week to learn more about them and ways to get involved.
But is also a good time to talk a little bit about making a difference in general.
We’re different and we may care about different issues. And multiple issues. Yes, I care about sustainability and slow fashion. But I also care about women’s rights, equal access to education, diversity, my country’s politics, and many more. You may be passionate about anti-poverty initiatives, health care, free speech, criminal justice reform, human rights violations, and hundreds of other worthy causes.
The important thing is to care about something bigger than ourselves and care enough that you’re ready to take action and become a changemaker.
#1 Be informed
This is always the first step and in many ways, the most important. Be open, step out of the bubble of your life, read, learn, and ask. We don’t have to be experts on every single issue – it’s not even possible. But we gotta know what’s happening in the world. We cannot afford to be ignorant.
As cliché as it may sound, knowledge is power. Knowledge and awareness are always the first steps toward action.
#2 Start with changing yourself
I’m a big proponent of personal lifestyle changes, no matter how big or small. Is it enough? Probably not. But a collective effort of individuals, a series of seemingly small changes can lead to something bigger. If everyone thinks that someone else should do something, we’ll get nothing done. Be that someone else, and lead by example.
#3 Speak up
We can all become advocates of causes and change. We may not influence millions, but we definitely have the power to influence some. Use your platforms, use your blog, social media, or personal connections. Just simply to talk to people and share your knowledge.
What may be obvious or common sense to you may not be the case for others.
#4 Get involved
For some people, social activism comes naturally. For others, it may be more of an effort. But I think if you care enough about a cause, it’s the natural next step. And once again, you can start small and go from there.
You can start by connecting with like-minded people. I actually really encourage everyone to start participating in protests, rallies, or marches. It’s such a simple act of activism, but so important. I love the energy of these gatherings, it’s incredibly inspirational to meet others who share your ideas and feel that together, you can actually make a difference.
I also love the concept of micro-leadership – driving change in your own immediate environment and community, be it your family, your circle of friends, or your workplace.
You can volunteer your time, you can offer your skills and knowledge to advance a cause. You can get involved in your community. You can support social enterprises, or you can become a social entrepreneur yourself. And if you’re ready to lead in any capacity, do it.
Change can happen in myriad forms and ways. And we can all be a part of it.
+ Learn more about Earth Day 2019
+ Be a Fashion revolutionary