A curated list of things I’ve seen, read, used, and loved lately.
Is plastic recycling actually a lie? | VICE
Inside the beauty industry’s environmental awakening – the plastic issue, greenwashing, and how the beauty industry destroys our oceans | Refinery29
Decoding the wedding dress code: They’re stressful, classist, and sometimes no help at all. So why do they persist? | VOX
Honest thoughts on minimalism and zero waste | A Considered Life
Net-a-Porter launches NET SUSTAIN, a platform dedicated to sustainable fashion brands
If you worry a lot, please read this | Wit & Delight
Good question: Do we style our house for comfort or trends? | Only Deco Love
Love this artfully messy bed | Coco Lapine Design
How a £1 bikini revealed the changing shape of fast fashion | The Guardian
Good tips for the upcoming hot season: how to stay cool without air conditioning | Lifehacker
IKEA has partnered with social business, Little Sun to produce small domestic solar panels. Great design and great initiative | Dezeen
Republicans don’t understand Democrats— and Democrats don’t understand Republicans. In fact, Americans’ mental image of the “other side” is a caricature | The Atlantic