A curated list of things I’ve seen, read, used, and loved lately.
How to help the Amazon rainforest: 9 things you can do | Fast Company
This is an excellent and very important read: Sidelines are no longer an option | The Good Trade
Small talk can actually have big benefits | TED Ideas
I love Kristina Dam’s design work and the studio’s AW2019 “Sculptural Minimalism” collection has some beautiful new pieces
We’ve prayed 2,188 times since Sandy Hook, and nothing has happened. That’s intentional | Harper’s Bazaar
Every freelancer should read this | Creative Review
Love these organic sculptures | Sight Unseen
I may be too cynical, but this voluntary sustainability pact by fashion companies seems like another PR stunt meant to win good points from customers | The Fashion Law
I don’t normally read sci-fi, but this book was amazing – full of interesting stories and ethics questions
Venice to host a sustainable fashion week in October | The Fashion Plate
Toni Morrison’s most unforgettable quotes | AnOther Magazine
We’ve all been there: what to do when well-meaning people buy you things you don’t want | The Financial Diet