A curated list of things I’ve seen, read, used, and loved lately.
From Extinction Rebellion being listed among extremist terror groups to countries adopting stricter regulations against protesters, there’s a worrying global trend of trying to silence environmental protesters | Buzzfeed News
How privilege works in 21st-century Britain | The Conversation
10 ethical vegan fashion brands to watch in 2020 | Eco Warrior Princess
Simple forms | Cereal
This is such a fascinating series of short films. Almost Famous is about people who nearly made history — only to fall short. These are tales of overcoming disappointment at its most epic, from an astronaut who never flew and a girl band who were rivaling the Beatles to the first female vocalist of the Black Eyed Peas who quit the band before they became superstars | Almost Famous by The New York Times
10 amazing exhibitions to see in 2020 | AnOther
If we want to make moments memorable and our lives unforgettable, we should use the power of firsts | Ideas.TED
The 50 best podcasts to listen to right now | TIME
A sustainable fashion editorial | Luxiders
6 zero waste lessons from Paris | Treehugger