A curated list of things I’ve seen, read, used, and loved lately.
Gucci to say goodbye to fashion seasons and go season-less | The Fashion Law
Cult Beauty has just launched its new Cult Conscious initiative to provide verified information on beauty brands’ sustainable and ethical practices
Why it’s OK to be imperfectly ethical in pandemic lockdown | Eco Warrior Princess
Shoe decluttering tips: 5 ways to actually solve your shoe storage situation, according to experts | Manrepeller
I’m devastated that we’re almost at the end of asparagus season, but there’s still a little time to make one of these recipes | Bon Appétit
New in my kitchen: these Ripple Glasses by Ferm Living
10 Positive morning habits of beauty & wellness experts | Porter
I’ve already mentioned this book recommendation series previously, but gotta do it once again. They are on Round 9 and I’ve found so many gems | LitHub
12 Random acts of kindness you can do right now | Wit & Delight
Currently starting my mornings with a ginger shot. I usually do a ginger+orange+black pepper version, but here are some other ideas
The online classes actually worth taking | The Strategist
An attempt to ‘fix’ my face, old Hollywood style | Jezebel
Event alert: A virtual festival for our planet with musicians, frontline activists, thought leaders, artists and political heroes on June 5