A curated list of things I’ve seen, read, used, and loved lately.
Ask the following brands to stop sourcing their cotton from the forced labor of Uighur Muslims (and click on the first link to get a short visual explanation of what’s happening to the Uighur people) | re/make
How social justice slideshows took over Instagram | Vox
A unique and powerful photo documentary project of the global Black Lives Matter protests | AnOther
What is an eco-conscious fragrance? | Glasshouse Journal
Mask up and shut up – COVID-19 transmission would go down if we spoke less, or less loudly, in public spaces | The Atlantic
Wish my quarantine looked like this (it most definitely didn’t) | minimal /visual
The coolest celebrity home I’ve ever seen
Why shifting baseline syndrome makes it more difficult to assess the severity of the climate crisis | The Conversation
“Damn, I really wasted the morning and the afternoon and the last ten years” – a short satire on aging | The New Yorker
In the fall ad campaigns, race-conscious casting now matters. Is it progress or is it cynicism? | The New York Times
How to (finally) listen to all those podcasts in your queue | Wired
These are best linen face masks I’ve tried so far