A curated list of things I’ve seen, read, used, and loved lately – this time, a special New Year version mixing best of and farewell to 2018 posts with inspiring tips and resources for an awesome start to 2019.
Looking for great books and podcasts for 2019? These are the lists to browse:
+ The best books of 2018 according to The New York Times, The New Yorker, NPR, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, Amazon. Or just see which books made the most “best of 2018” lists here.
+ The best podcasts of 2018 according to Digital Trends, The New Yorker, Wired, Vulture, Rolling Stone, HuffPost, Time
The most important photos of 2018 | Reuters
The women of 2018 speak out | Vanity Fair
While sometimes it seems like we don’t achieve any real environmental progress, that’s not totally true – here are 5 eco victories from 2018 | Eco Warrior Princess
7 science-based strategies for making sure your new habits endure | The New York Times
This healthy habits checklist video is not only useful but also visually inspiring | Pick Up Limes
Love this list – 18 ways to be a better person in 2019 | Because Im Addicted
If one of your 2019 goals is to live a more sustainable life, these two posts will help – 101 tips to live a more sustainable life and 12 easy green resolutions for every month of the new year | Eco Warrior Princess & Tree Hugger
Why you should aim for 100 rejections a year – a unique approach to try | Literary Hub
Do habit tracking apps actually work? | Vox
I’m thinking about trying this 52-week photography challenge | Dogwood Photography
If you’d like to learn more about how to build good habits and live a more deliberate life, browse this vast collection of great tips | Zen Habits
Happy 2019!