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Here’s how to crush writer’s block

July 29, 2017

Tips to beat writer's block

The dreaded writer’s block.

We’ve all been there. Even me, who has been writing and blogging only for a fraction of a minute.

The moment when the usually friendly and cooperative inspiration fairy just gives you the big fat middle finger.

So, what can we do when we hit the wall and suddenly lose inspiration and creativity?

First of all, let’s just emphasize that it’s completely normal. Nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to panic over. This will come and go, and it’s a perfectly natural thing even with the most creative people on the planet.

We can sit and wait for it to pass, but that’s not a very proactive thing to do and who knows how long the drought will last. Also, it’s very frustrating.

So, instead of just waiting, let’s try some tricks to help dissolve the cloud and actively work for gaining back our creative mojo.

Tips to crush writer's block


Tricks to overcome writer’s block

+ Prepare for it

I have an excel with a list of blogging ideas. Whenever something just clicks, I swiftly put the idea (topic or a title) into that excel. I also use my Notes in my phone to jot down ideas if inspiration strikes while I’m on the go. This is very useful, because if I feel I’m out of ideas, I just look at the long list of potential topics and it might kickstart my thought and writing process. Also, if you have a very inspired period suddenly, grab it and make the most out of that lucky streak. Write 5 posts in a row, if you can, as a backup for those more difficult days.

+ Don’t force it

Sitting in front of a computer and staring at a blank word document is not a very uplifting thing to do. In my best experience, desperately trying to come up with something in this state will not only yield zero good results, it also exponentially grows frustration. Don’t force creativity. Try to get firmly back into the right mood before actually doing something.

+ Listen to a podcast that kicks your ass

My writer’s block is usually not about not having ideas or struggling to put seed ideas into proper words, it’s more like a general lack of energy and enthusiasm for creating. I found that incredibly motivational and inspirational podcasts are great for getting me out of this inertness and negative mood. Hearing about other people’s hustling, hard work, success, as well as hurdles and tips are just what I usually need to switch my brain into a power mode. Gary Vee is the master of energizing and virtually kicking my ass to rediscover my creativity and productivity.

+ Do something semi-creative

Find something that might help bring back your inspiration, but does not require a huge creative effort. Like editing photos or reorganizing your blog files. I find that if I ease my mind that I’m actually doing something productive, I can overcome any kind of writer’s block much faster.

+ Listen to your potential audience

Since most of us are in this blogging business to create some value, the most useful thing we can do if we hit an inspirational block is to go directly to the audience. See what your potential readers talk about on Twitter. Scout the comment section of your favorite and very popular bloggers to see what kind of questions people have or what kind of content they are looking for. Join some big Facebook groups and monitor the discussion. Talk to friends. Or simply ask your audience what interests them the most. I always get a dozen new ideas by just listening to people.

+ Get some exercise

Might seem like a weird idea, but leaving the confines of your home, getting away from the computer, and doing a workout might actually be beneficial. During exercise, the body releases endorphins (the feel-good chemicals) that boost your energy levels and improve your overall mood. Physical activity stimulates the brain as well. You might return with a renewed sense of purpose and energy.

+ Explore. Dream. Discover

Go and do something unique. Try something new. Get out of your comfort zone. Gather new experiences and let them inspire the breakthrough.

writer's block

What are your tips to overcome writer’s block? xx

How to overcome writer's block


