By this time, you’re probably aware that I’m obsessed with morning routines, especially slow morning routines. But I’m equally obsessed with reading about other people’s morning routines – I’m not sure why, but those kinds of interviews and articles always fascinate me. I’m always looking for little tricks and tips, some inspiration on how others make their mornings special. That’s definitely my specialty of voyeurism.
I’m very particular about my mornings, and while the fundamentals remain the same, I do switch up a little when seasons change. Finally, mornings are getting brighter, lighter, sunnier, so I try to adapt my regimen as well.
If you share my excitement about morning routines, I hope you’ll find this post interesting.
Wake up
I usually wake up between 6:30 and 7:00 AM naturally, so I don’t have to set an alarm. I’m not really a night owl, so I usually get my required 7-8 hours of sleep even with this early start. I love the peacefulness of this time of the day, the early morning colors, the crisp spring morning, and light breezes. There’s something very positive and promising about mornings for me, like anything is still possible, it’s a fresh new start, a blank page. My fiancé sleeps a little longer, so I grab my book and sneak out into the living room.
First things first, even before coffee, I set the mood in the room. I turn on my humidifier as well as my essential oil diffuser. I really believe in the power of smells and essential oils can really invigorate your senses. They fill the room with freshness, help me wake up even more, and are really helpful in getting into the right mindset and mood. I love peppermint for a cold fresh breeze, sweet orange or tangerine for a sweet, spicy energy boost, or lemongrass for a fresh, earthy, invigorating smell. Nowadays, I’m starting to experiment with blending them as well, citrus and mint oils, or eucalyptus with rosemary work really well together (Make sure you buy 100% pure essential oils, not fragrance oils).
Coffee No1
The next essential step is of course coffee. There was a period in my life when I managed to switch to green tea in the morning, but I went back to coffee soon. I don’t take it black though; I prefer a café latte (without the #latteart sadly) with a tiny sprinkle of honey and cinnamon. I make sure to accompany it with some plain/lemon/mint water.
I like listening to some podcasts or the radio, while I make my coffee and set up my essential oils. Here’s a list of some of my absolute favorite podcasts, but I’ve also discovered some new gems recently, so stay tuned for part 2.
One of the habits I started at the beginning of the year was reading in the morning, especially as I want to do the 50 books a year challenge in 2018. And I have to say, I’ve quite nailed this so far. I take my coffee, sit down on the couch wrapped in a blanket and read for 20-30 minutes. I know not everyone can do this, life in the morning can get quite hectic, especially if family, kids, pets, and commute are involved, but if you’re lucky to have a calmer morning, I really suggest trying to read a little before the day starts. (Self-promotion alert: if you’re interested in what I’m reading, I’m doing the 50 books status updates and mini reviews on the 1st of every month over on Twitter).
Some people love working out in the morning, but it simply doesn’t work for me, so I’m not forcing it, no matter how healthy it might be. However, I do take 5-10 minutes nowadays to do a little stretching session. I wrote about it here, and why I decided to take this up as my new spring habit. So far, it really works, and this, combined with my first coffee really helps me wake up. I instantly feel energized and less tense. I also try to follow it up with some small meditation exercises. I’m still an absolute beginner, but I do make an effort to breathe a little, think through my day, and shift into a positive mindset.
Morning fuel
Breakfast is not the first thing on my mind in the morning, but it’s definitely non-negotiable. Winter has been all about hot oatmeal for me, but these days I’m gravitating towards lighter options, like plain nonfat Greek yogurt with raw honey, granola, fresh fruits, and some seeds or a green smoothie with a toast on a side (not a fan of only liquid breakfast). If I’m really lucky, I get some scrambled eggs with some red bell peppers or avocado, courtesy of my fiancé. I listen to the radio or some podcasts while I eat breakfast or occasionally read an article on my iPad.

Beauty routine
I don’t like using heavy skincare products in the morning and especially not in the spring/summer season. I prefer smooth cleansing gels, mousses, and light creams. First, I wash my face with either the Andalou Naturals Apricot Probiotic Cleansing Milk or Sasco Eco Cleansing Mousse with Aloe Vera. After cleansing, I use my ice roller for a minute – it’s so refreshing and I love its cooling, tightening effect. Then I spritz my face with Caudalie Beauty Elixir. Refreshing is a recurring theme in my morning routine and this blend of peppermint and citrus fits right in. Next step is usually a light morning serum. Right now, I really enjoy Lovely Day’s Hyaluron & Bloom Tropical Hydration Nectar. I follow it up with a dab of eye cream (Kiehl’s Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado is great for refreshing tired eyes), a moisturizer (Estee Lauder Daywear Cream), and then sunscreen if needed (bareMinerals Mineral Shield Broad Spectrum SPF50). If my skin feels drier, I skip the serum and moisturizer and use some oils instead, like Grown Alchemist Antioxidant Facial Oil with Rosehip and Camellia Seed or Indie Lee Squalane. I don’t put on makeup if I’m working from home, but I brush my hair and make it into a simple bun.
News (and coffee No2)
I’m slowly transitioning into work mode by making another cup of coffee (guilty, but I drink only decaf later in the day) and sitting down with my phone and computer. This is when I check my social accounts, read tweets, reply to comments, and scroll through Instagram and watch stories. I also check news websites (both Hungarian and world news), check Bloglovin’, and then start answering emails – the workday has officially started.
Time to get down to work
I start work usually around 8:45-9 AM. I like to start with the more challenging, creative tasks because this is when my brain functions the best. And it’s always better to finish off the 3 most pressing to-do list items early in the day.
I’d love to read about your spring morning routine, please share! xx