I don’t buy bags frequently. I like to invest in quality, classic bags that are versatile and hopefully will be in my wardrobe for a long, long time. For this reason, I’ve never really had a separate summer bag – when it comes to accessories, I try not buy seasonal items. However, when I’ve come across this Alienina bag, it was instant love. Even more so, when I made a little research and learned about the brand mission and its sustainable practices. So, seasonal or not, I bought it.
And judging by the last few weeks when I wore it nonstop, it was a good decision.
Alienina was founded in 2008 by Italian designer Eliana Venier who wanted to show that it is possible to create beautiful fashion pieces out of seemingly worthless objects. Alienina uses unexpected materials for their designs, like sailing and mountain climbing cords, cotton wicks for oil lamps, and various other scraps and production waste. Each piece is hand-made with techniques inspired by old traditional crafts, which the designer interprets in a contemporary way.
The brand started out as a jewelry line, but has recently branched into the world of fashion accessories with a debut range of hand made rope bags. Their designs are inspired by natural forms and architecture and quickly grabbed the attention of the fashion world with features in Vogue Italia, British Vogue, and ELLE and collaborations with brands such as Comme des Garçons, Sara Coleman and HOPE.
The bag is a bit quirkier than the minimal leather bags I usually wear, but still simple enough that it goes with most of my summer wardrobe. Plus, this model is actually really big, I can fit in a lot of stuff, from everyday essentials like a wallet and phone to bigger items, like a summer scarf, a water bottle, or even a book. It may rest in its dust bag in the colder months, but from spring till early fall, it will be one of my wardrobe staples.
Alienina is available in concept stores and online retailers like Net-a-Porter, Farfetch, and Need Supply.