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Visual Diary – Winter Wonderland

February 19, 2017

Enchanted forest
I am a big fan of short weekend getaways. We all live our lives in a constant cycle of responsibilities, calendars, routines, and errands – there is always something left on the to-do list, and it is often left for the weekend. And it’s difficult to switch off or completely relax if you have so much on your mind. For me, the only solution that really works is travel.

It doesn’t have to be long, expensive, or far away. Just a couple of days, in a completely new environment, getting out of the comfort zone, enjoying small things and new adventures.

It’s amazing actually how even 1 or 2 days away from home and everyday reality can charge me up with energy, inspiration, and a renewed sense of purpose.

For me, winter getaways always meant ski trips. But this year, we tried something different: a weekend getaway in the mountains near the city. It was only an hour-long drive, but it was as if we had stepped into a completely different world.

For a city-dweller, winter usually equals either a fresh snowstorm that throws the city into a chaos or the slushy remains we have to walk through for weeks afterwards. Thus, it’s easy to forget the beauties of winter – fresh snow, elaborate ice ornaments on trees, the calming sight of pure white surrounding you. Taking a long walk outside, then warming up in a sauna or with a nice cup of hot chocolate. Doing sports outside or taking photos. This was all this weekend was about.

Hope these photos inspire you to plan your next weekend getaway. There are still a couple of weeks left to enjoy these winter wonders.Winter snowy landscape with frozen treesWinter wonders frozen riverWalk deep into snowy winter forestStack of trees in winter forestWinter weekend getaway castle walkhot coffee weekend getawayWinter weekend getawayWinter weekend getaway in the mountainsIce on frozen trees
Winter headscarf accessoryWinter snowy landscapeWinter weekend getaway walks and vistaWeekend getaway up on the mountains

